Published: 01/2025
Videos of Dropping the Hammer WoW Quest Factory Watch video1:46Dropping the Hammer WoW Quest648 views3 months agoYouTubeWoW QuestsDoing this 3 times will empower your Storm Hammer for a strong attack. (4 second cooldown) While it is easy enough to spam both when they are up when fighting the Stormbenders, a CataclysmDropping the Hammer Dropping the Hammer Kill Twilight Stormbenders and Servias Windterror using one of the gryphons at Firebeard's Patrol. Relevant LocationsWowheadDropping the Hammer - Quest - Cataclysm Classic - WowheadKill Twilight Stormbenders and Servias Windterror using one of the gryphons at Firebeard's Patrol. A level 84 Twilight Highlands Quest. Always up to date.WowheadThe Hammer - NPC - World of Warcraft - WowheadThe Hammer is a level 10 - 11 Elite NPC that can be found in The Lost Isles. This NPC is the objective of A Goblin in Shark's Clothing. In the NPCs category.
InfoWoWDBDropping the Hammer - Quests - WoWDBKill Twilight Stormbenders and Servias Windterror using one of the gryphons at Firebeard's Patrol.dropping the hammer questdropping the hammer wowdropping the hammer deu quest iddropping the hammer guidedropping the hammerdropping the hammer 27817MorePeople also search fordropping the hammer questdropping the hammer wowdropping the hammer deu quest iddropping the hammer guidedropping the hammerdropping the hammer 27817 dropping the hammer wow quest Factorydropping the hammer questdropping the hammer wowdropping the hammer deu quest iddropping the hammer guidedropping the hammerdropping the hammer 27817Pagination